Leadership Column

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Focus on Retention: Questions to Ask a New Employee

Focus on Retention: Questions to Ask a New Employee

When I hear from leaders, staffing is almost always at or near the top of the biggest issues they are facing. It seems we are constantly asking ourselves, Do we have enough staff? This question usually centers on the number of staff. If we are fortunate enough to have...

Effort Does Not Always Equal Results

Effort Does Not Always Equal Results

Most of us have growing pains, or experiences that can be uncomfortable. Yet, when we look back on some of these pains, we can see they created our greatest learning gains. One of my growing pains was when I was told my job was not about how hard I was working or the...

The Power of “Is It Doable?”

The Power of “Is It Doable?”

Is it doable? That is the question. As regular readers know, I have been able to get back into healthcare. However, at times, I still work with non-healthcare companies and also communities based on the ideas in my book Building a Vibrant Community: How...

Make Decisions Based on Facts, Not Generalities

Make Decisions Based on Facts, Not Generalities

A learning that has proved so helpful to me is to “pause to learn more.” What do I mean? There is great value in pausing and taking time to learn more prior to taking action. I’ve found that taking time to ask a few questions and do some digging usually proves very...

How to Help Your Leaders Maximize Learning

How to Help Your Leaders Maximize Learning

When an organization holds learning events for your leaders, are they leadership development or leadership awareness or both?   My experience is that awareness is part of development; however, it is not everything. Many organizations with great intentions...

Take an N=1 Approach to Helping People Feel They Belong

Take an N=1 Approach to Helping People Feel They Belong

We know when we feel we belong somewhere. For years I have shared that most people appreciate a work environment where they believe the work they are doing fills a purpose, is worthwhile, and makes a difference. Today, I feel it takes much more than that. A person can...